This is an unprecedented time for businesses to navigate the global COVID-19 pandemic. Our firm has measures in place during the mandated “social distancing” period. Our office infrastructure and strong investment in technology allow us to maintain normal operations in today’s circumstances. We have implemented safety protocols to best protect the health of our employees and our community; at the same time, we are able to maintain the level of operations to meet the needs of our clients. As of March 16, we are still providing every level of service across all service lines.
We are encouraging our clients to refrain from in-person “face-to-face” meetings as much as possible until the pandemic national, state and county emergency status is removed. We can offer video meetings through Zoom. We can also accommodate Skype, Facetime and WeChat applications upon request. We are encouraging the use of Zoom whenever possible because of its advanced features and ease of use. These technologies allow us to “meet” with you “face-to-face” in the virtual world, as well as to screen share documents and other media. These work very similarly to mobile phone video chat applications, requiring no special hardware or equipment. Wi-fi and a smart mobile device are all that is needed. If you have never used a video meeting technology like Zoom, Skype of GoTo Meetings, you will be pleasantly surprised. (You may need to download the free app to your mobile device, depending on which service you elect to use.)
Our office also has the capability to do online filings directly with most government offices across the country, enabling us to continue business as usual in most situations. We can also offer e-notary services, virtual closings and legal document signing. Our investment in these state-of-the-art technologies will enable us to continue to do our work and assist clients despite the chaos outside our doors. We ask your patience as our staff learns the nuances of these new technologies and hope you will appreciate the ease of doing business from home or your mobile device.
How we are transmitting work to/from our clients
- If you have documents to send in, please email the work to [email protected]. It will be acknowledged as received and we will complete the work.
- If your documents cannot be emailed, please mail via FedEx or USPS to our office.
- If your work requires pick-up and you are in Rochester, contact our office to arrange for a pick-up by courier.
We encourage all business owners to use any unplanned downtime to “work on your business” since you can’t work “in your business.” If there have been projects you have been needing to attack, now is the time. Leverage your precious time and make the most of the situation. Plan for initiatives that can grow your business to help recover from the short-term losses. Research ways to adapt your business model. For example, if you are a restaurant, convert to drive-through service only, delivery service only (GrubHub is waiving its fees to independent restaurant owners), or contact-less food delivery/pick-up at your store.
If your business is impacted by the virus, contact our team if you need assistance or have any questions. We will do our best to navigate you through this unfortunate time. If you have business interruption insurance, this may be the time to explore what coverage is available for your losses.