Tag Archives: USPTO

Information is Power

Information is Power Information is power. When you are adopting a new product name, you need information to make informed decisions and minimize the ...

Beware of Trademark Scams!

Our law firm has received a number of inquiries related to recent trademark scam. One of our business clients, Lugia’s Ice Cream, has kindly sent us...

Cronut is protected intellectual property

Pastry Chef Dominique Ansel has trademarked his Cronut and been listed by TIME Tech  in the “25 Best Inventions of 2013”.  Registration with the...

Using the right symbol for you mark

What do the intellectual property symbols ®, ™, and SM mean and when can you use them? The proper usage of these symbols is important for advertisi...

Limitations of EPO as ISA & IPEA

 When you select your international search authority and international preliminary examination authority, it is important to understand what subject ...


As of July 2012, the ePCT application of WIPO provides secure online access to PCT application files. (It is the equivalent of the USPTO public and pr...