Tag Archives: USPTO

Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Explained

The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) is a program available to some patent applications that have entered the national stage. In order to qualify for ...

AIA & post-grant review

The America Invents Act (AIA) introduces two new procedures for post-grant review of a patent. After the issue date, there will be a 9-month period du...

Strategies for potential PPH participation

The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) is a treaty program of participating national patent offices. The PPH program allows an inventor to fast track co...

Beware of trademark scam “from USPTO”

Once your trademark has been accepted, it enters the USPTO register, which is viewable by the general public. While this puts the public on notice tha...

USPTO Response Times for RCEs

After a patent application is filed, the Patent Office assigns an Examiner to review the merits of the invention and determine if a patent should be i...