Many new business owners in the hospitality business struggle with classifying their workers as employees. Starting a business can be an expensive ope...
Selecting and pricing wines to maximize profit
Alcohol sales can increase revenues by about 20% for small restaurant establishments. How do you decide what wines to serve and how much to charge? At...
Genius Idea to Get Employees to Clean Enthusiastically
Let’s face it – unless you’re hiring ambitious germaphobes, it’s tough to find employees who want to clean your restaurant to the pristine sta...
The Nuts and Bolts Needed to Get Your Restaurant or Business Open
Know what licenses, permits & certificates you need for your business. Owning a business, particularly a bar or restaurant, is a big commitment an...
Birds of a feather flock together for a reason
Restaurant owners often see other restaurateurs as competitors, but I’d like to rethink this perspective. Other restaurateurs are also your colleagu...
Increasing profit margins
I heard a veteran restauranteer’s theory for increasing profit margins. He raised lower-priced menu items more than the higher-priced menu items. Wh...
Lifestyle Discrimination Suits a New Trend
There is a new flavor of discrimination suit being lodged by employees – the lifestyle discrimination suit. Employees alledge discrimination when th...
You can be your own landlord. Really, the SLA says so!!
There are a lot of documents, applications and questionnaires that must be submitted when applying for a liquor license with the State Liquor Authorit...
Exempt activities under the 200 foot rule
Applicants for a liquor license often are faced with the 200 foot rule which prohibits any license from being issued for premises within 200 feet of a...
New Employee Orientation at Your Restaurant or Bar
You find yourself in need of additional help and desperately put your new hire in place so that the business continues to run smoothly. Even with the ...