Attention Uber and Lyft drivers! Want a leg up on your competition? Want more ride or delivery requests? You may be able to deliver food and beer orde...
New York’s COD list and brewery obligations – are you in compliance?
NY law dictates the terms upon which retailers must pay brewers for their beer. The law protects breweries from losses and keeps cash flow healthy. Th...
Two major changes to the TTB’s Permits Online filing system
I’d like to share some great news about the TTB’s Permits Online filing system. This month the latest system upgrades are being introduced. I am p...
Did an iconic whiskey glass manufacturer lead to the demise of its own trade dress protection?
Glencairn filed a trademark infringement suit in against Plamazonx LLC, claiming Plamazonx’ sales of whiskey tasting glasses sold as “Del Rey Glas...
Great idea for Finger Lakes area Cideries, IMO (hint, hint)
I read an article in the Democrat and Chronicle “Cider-makers forage for old wild apple flavor” by Lisa Rathke where she discussed a community pro...
All Night Permit (aka New Year’s Eve Permit)
New Year’s Eve is fast approaching and since it can be one of the most profitable nights of the year for nightclubs, bars, and restaurants alike...
Whenever Working With Outsiders and Your Proprietary Technology, Don’t Forget About Technology Improvements
Whenever a business (or independent inventor) enters into any type of agreement concerning access to its proprietary, patented, patent pending, or tra...
Accepting intellectual property as collateral: best practices to perfect security interests in patents, trademarks and copyright
In business transactions, company assets are often pledged to secure loans or other financing. In some transactions, the intellectual property is as...
Realistic Expectations for Licensing Consumer Product
Inventors often seek to license their products to companies that sell on TV – infomercials, QVC or HSN – sales channels known in the industry as d...
Can I Ignore a Settlement Demand Letter? (No)
What You Should Do If You Receive a Settlement Demand Letter for Alleged Copyright Infringement by your Website……… First – Do Not ...