5 Steps to Outstanding Customer Experience and Building Customer Loyalty

Restaurants are about the dining experience. Customer service is a major factor in whether a patron will return again or recommend your establishment to others. Routine feedback from customers will uncover issues that you may not realize, allowing you to immediately address them and offer the best possible customer experience. A simple 5-step program to outstanding customer service is outlined below.

  1. Collect phone numbers when you make reservations.
  2. Each morning, randomly call 5-10% of those patrons from the previous evening and ask about their experience.
  3. Use the feedback to improve your products and services.
  4. Thank the customer for their patronage and feedback with a gift certificate or some other small gift to encourage them to return to your establishment.
  5. Send a note to the customer as a follow-up to tell them what changes the restaurant made based on their feedback. Thank the customer again for participating and helping you provide the best possible customer experience.

A program like this will keep your customers feeling valued and encourage them to come back. It is easier to retain existing customers than to get new ones. The investment in a few minutes of your time each day and a discount on future visits will result in more business than the same investment in print media advertising. The added benefit of establishing a relationship with your patrons can be personally rewarding.