Tag Archives: patent

What is your IP portfolio like?

In today’s world, managing your business has become more than maximizing the return on investments in employees, products, and equipment. Your compa...

AIA & post-grant review

The America Invents Act (AIA) introduces two new procedures for post-grant review of a patent. After the issue date, there will be a 9-month period du...

Save patent costs by filing electronically

The Leahy-Smith America Invents act (AIA) has an “Electronic Filing Incentive” using EFS-Web. Original non-provisional utility patent application ...

Strategies for potential PPH participation

The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) is a treaty program of participating national patent offices. The PPH program allows an inventor to fast track co...

2012 patent foreign filing trends

Earlier this year, inovia, a company that provides a platform for foreign filing, issued a report (The U.S. Global Patent & IP Trends Indicator) b...