Many critics of illegal immigrants purport that these aliens are a huge tax burden on Americans. However, the Chamber of Commerce estimates that over ...
Demystifying U.S. Immigration: Citizenship through children
“Anchor babies” is a term that refers to children born in the U.S. with at least one parent who resides in the U.S. illegally. Federal laws grant ...
Demystifying U.S. Immigration: Citizenship through marriage
Marrying a U.S. citizen is not a guarantee of permanent residency or citizenship. Marriage does not automatically transfer to permission to enter and ...
Demystifying U.S. Immigration: Obstacles to the process
Critics reasonably argue that aliens need to apply for permission to enter the U.S. and wait their turn for approval. This argument is good in theory,...
Demystifying U.S. Immigration
Anyone who has had to deal with the U.S. immigration system understands that it is practically incomprehensible and far from perfect. Because immigrat...
Getting a document notarized in another country
Certain documents require notarization in order to be legally enforceable, including affidavits, deeds and powers of attorney. The role of the notary ...