Tag Archives: AIA

Racing to the patent office

The AIA has started a race to the patent office.  This will be especially true for technologies where several inventors, research teams or companies ...

Pre-patent disclosure of your invention

There are many times that you need to disclose information about your inventive concept to third parties such as vendors, contractors and investors. T...

AIA Brings Changes to PCT applications

As of September 16, 2012, the America Invents Act (AIA) allows entities (businesses) to be applicants if they are an assignee or employer of the inven...

AIA & post-grant review

The America Invents Act (AIA) introduces two new procedures for post-grant review of a patent. After the issue date, there will be a 9-month period du...

Save patent costs by filing electronically

The Leahy-Smith America Invents act (AIA) has an “Electronic Filing Incentive” using EFS-Web. Original non-provisional utility patent application ...