Attention Uber and Lyft drivers! Want a leg up on your competition? Want more ride or delivery requests? You may be able to deliver food and beer orde...
New York’s COD list and brewery obligations – are you in compliance?
NY law dictates the terms upon which retailers must pay brewers for their beer. The law protects breweries from losses and keeps cash flow healthy. Th...
Two major changes to the TTB’s Permits Online filing system
I’d like to share some great news about the TTB’s Permits Online filing system. This month the latest system upgrades are being introduced. I am p...
Record Keeping Requirements for NY Farm Breweries
With the announcement of upcoming audits of farm breweries by the State Liquor Authority, farm breweries will want to get their records in order. Luck...
Time to Reconsider Your Business Structure to Take Advantage of New Lower Tax Rates
There has been a lot of discussion about Trump’s proposed tax revisions. No matter what your politics, the changes are coming soon and are dramatic ...
All Night Permit (aka New Year’s Eve Permit)
New Year’s Eve is fast approaching and since it can be one of the most profitable nights of the year for nightclubs, bars, and restaurants alike...
The Guidelines for New York Distilleries Being Asked to Donate Product for Charitable Events
Confirm that the organization qualifies as a charity otherwise you can violate your license while trying to do some good for your community. No one wa...
No 2017 Tax Deductions for Start-Up Expenses If Your Business Doesn’t Open Until 2018
Starting up a business is capital intensive. You wonder when the bleeding will stop. At the very least, you want to get the tax deductions for your st...
Tax Credit For Certain New Hires
Labor costs are one of the biggest expenses of any small business. The total cost of an employee is every increasing with laws requiring various insur...
New York Winery License (standard commercial winery)
New York Custom Winemaking Center The licensee is permitted to do the following: provide individuals with rental space, the use of equipment and stora...