Category Archives: Patent

Do Not Skip A Beat When Filing Patents

Dr. Joseph Wiesel is pioneer cardiologist who, starting in 1999, filed five patent applications associated with detecting atrial fibrillation.  I...


Patents on illegal goods and services are not precluded from patent protection in thesame way that federal trademarks are unavailable.  Pate...

Patents for Cannabinoid Formulations

It may come as a surprise to some that it is possible to obtain a patent for a cannabinoid formulation.  In fact, as long as a patent application mee...

Issues Clients face in Patent/Trademark

Issues Clients face in Patent/Trademark Understanding procedural options available at each step of patent process. Understanding if a trademark is ava...

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Contract Brewing

Expansion of production capacity can be capital intensive and finding a location can take some time. One alternative is to use contract brewing to sup...