Category Archives: Copyright

New Law for Fashion Designers?

Sometimes IP law is imperfect for protecting fashion design. The law is dynamic and needs to change as society changes. A pinch and a tuck is exactly ...

Customer Lists – Are They Trade Secrets?

Many confidentiality agreements will contain language about customer lists being confidential information. Others will contain broad language about ev...

Juicy Couture vs. Juicy Girl

A New York federal court used the U.S. trademark law to stop an overseas infringer of the Juicy Couture mark from selling its allegedly infringing clo...

Tommy Lee in a Motley Mess

A trade secret misappropriation lawsuit was filed against rock star drummer Tommy Lee and his band Motley Crue. Howard King claims that in 1991 he dev...

Product Placement

Most of us are aware of an industry called “product placement” where companies pay to get their product featured in a hit movie or television show...

Buy All of It, Up Front

Just because you hire and pay someone to write something for you (promotional and marketing materials, a software code or newsletter and blog content)...

Fashion design patents are in vogue again

Clothing is often purchased just because of its unique design and look. Designers find new combinations of clothing elements each season, doing someth...