
2012 patent foreign filing trends

Earlier this year, inovia, a company that provides a platform for foreign filing, issued a report (The U.S. Global Patent & IP Trends Indicator) b...

NYS tax credit for microbreweries

A ruling in March 2012 concerning Massachusetts-based Shelton Brothers resulted in a huge change in New York State Liquor Authority policy that negati...

ABC Law change for alcohol sale to minors

The New York State Liquor Authority has announced a change to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors a...

Patent infringement and common defenses

Patent infringement occurs when someone makes, uses, markets, advertises, sells or imports a patented invention or, in some circumstances, its equival...

Beware of trademark scam “from USPTO”

Once your trademark has been accepted, it enters the USPTO register, which is viewable by the general public. While this puts the public on notice tha...