Memorandum to All Judicial and Non-Judicial Personnel of the Unified Court System Coronavirus – Procedures to Reduce Courthouse Traffic As part ...
A New Augmented Reality App Offers a Full-Bodied Experience For Wine Drinkers
In the past few years, journalists have been passive aggressively blaming millennials for killing everything from cereal to chain restaurants to depar...
Therefore, my lords, omit no happy hour
Shakespeare first wrote about “happy hour” in 1599 in King Henry V. While his mention of a “happy hour” didn’t coincide with bellying up t...
In First Pitch Against The USPTO, Hurler Shane Bieber Throws A Ball
The standards to which a professional baseball player achieves immortalization on a baseball card is making it to any level of professional baseball. ...
A Sound Legal Strategy Can Protect Board Game Creators From Dicey Situations
Creating a board game can be a massive undertaking. From the initial idea to funding to research and development to test runs, you will spend hundreds...
Cutting Corners on Student Loan Applications Can Be More Costly Than College Tuition
Like us, many of you have children preparing for college. The excitement can be tempered by the cost of tuition and other related costs. A...
Don’t be Crushed by the Wave of Copycats, Protect Your Trade Dress
Apple and Hollister stores are so recognizable to customers from the entrance design that they don’t even need to look up at the sign to locate the ...
At the close of 2019, Uber Eats announced that it will concentrate its services in high performing markets. If it is not the first or second most-used...
Meanwhile, In Canada.
For better or for worse, Canada has been hitting the trademark newswire in 2019. On June 17, 2019, a new Trademark Act took effect in Canada. Th...
Do Not Skip A Beat When Filing Patents
Dr. Joseph Wiesel is pioneer cardiologist who, starting in 1999, filed five patent applications associated with detecting atrial fibrillation. I...