Category Archives: Patent


As of July 2012, the ePCT application of WIPO provides secure online access to PCT application files. (It is the equivalent of the USPTO public and pr...

Publication of PCT applications

PCT applications publish in the same manner as national or domestic patent applications. There is an internet publication of the application on the WI...

Prior Art for the PCT process

For PCT searches and Written Opinions, prior art includes everything made available to the public by written disclosure anywhere in the world prior to...

What is a Chapter II Demand?

After you receive your International Search Report and Written Opinion, the next step in the PCT process is to consider submitting informal comments, ...

Licensing Availability of PCT applications

As of January 2012, WIPO’s PATENTSCOPE website became an audience for patentees to offer their patent for license. To participate in this program, a...

AIA Brings Changes to PCT applications

As of September 16, 2012, the America Invents Act (AIA) allows entities (businesses) to be applicants if they are an assignee or employer of the inven...