All posts by [email protected]

Strategies for potential PPH participation

The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) is a treaty program of participating national patent offices. The PPH program allows an inventor to fast track co...

A tequila “brand”?

When it comes to tequila, there are the purists and there is everyone else. (This could be said of any liquor, I suppose.) The purists of this Mexican...

Business networking in Westside Rochester

Looking for a Westside networking opportunity that does not impede on your busy evenings and weekends? Looking to grow your business network and earn ...

Buying a restaurant in New York

If you are looking to purchase a restaurant in New York, you have two options: (1) buy the sellers’ ownership shares; or (2) buy the seller’s asse...

CARES in the Rochester Community

I am proud to be on the Board of Directors for CARES, a not-for-profit that creates an online support resource and community about the issues facing f...

Facing issues head-on

One of my favorite emails each week is a weekly article called “Wednesday Wisdom” from Tracy Higginbotham of Women Ties. (Women TIES stands for �...